Bangladesh - Closure of "mail box" route and rejection of mail box patent applications

As a “least developed country” under the TRIPS Agreement, Bangladesh was granted leave to delay examining applications relating to pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products until 2033. To date, such patent applications have therefore been filed as "black box" or "mailbox" applications and then held in abeyance pending the commencement of this examination.

The Bangladeshi Patent Office has now issued a notification dated 18th September 2022 in which they announced the closure of the “mailbox” system and rejected all applications submitted via that system. Consequently, we regret to advise that any "mailbox" applications filed in Bangladesh have been rejected outright.

Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Louise is a Director in the Patents & Designs department. She joined Lysaght in 2001 and has a wealth of experience, with over 27 years working in the IP industry.

Louise graduated from Oxford University in 1996 with a First Class Honours degree in Biochemistry.  She qualified as UK Patent Attorney in 2000 and as a European Patent Attorney in 2002.

Alongside Richard Stilwell, she oversees and manages the department to deliver a range of services to our clients. In particular, Louise provides advice on global patent filing strategies and overcoming prosecution issues. Louise is also the main contact for Supplementary Protection Certificates (“SPC”) services.

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