In The Spotlight: Rita Henderson

Many of you will recognise Rita’s name as our long-standing and greatly experienced Trade Mark Renewals Manager, and some of you may even have met her in person or in a virtual call in years gone by.  Rita joined Lysaght way back in 1980 and is one of our longest serving team members.  She has built up several decades of knowledge and practical understanding in her role.  As Rita coordinates our clients’ trade mark renewals in over 170 jurisdictions, she certainly has an interesting and wide-ranging client portfolio, and she has developed excellent connections and relationships with our foreign agents across the world.  Our clients and agents will recognise her for her approachability, work ethic and attention to detail, whilst her colleagues are likely to comment on her singing (ear plugs recommended) and her unfaltering memory – she doesn’t forget a thing! 

We put some questions to Rita to find out more about what makes her tick …

Where are your roots?
I am originally from Scotland. I came to Jersey in February 1980 and started working at Lysaght in May 1980.

In your role, what do you enjoy the most?
The opportunity to constantly learn and grow. I'm exposed to new challenges regularly, which helps me develop both professionally and personally.  I also enjoy getting to see the direct results of my efforts, which is incredibly rewarding. Witnessing the positive impact of my work on clients is fulfilling.    

If you were a trade mark/brand, what would you be? 
A perfume.  I love wearing perfume and smelling nice and if I was a perfume brand it would save me a lot of money!

What’s the talent you wish that you had?
To be able to sing!  

If you didn’t work in Intellectual Property, what would you have done?
I would have liked to work in Forensic Science.

Who’s the most famous person you’ve met?
Neil Lennon and Scott Brown (Celtic Football Club manager and captain) who I met at a Celtic football dinner dance.

What’s one thing you can’t live without?
My family as they are very important to me. 

Where’s your favourite place to visit?
Glasgow as that is where my family live and I love to go and visit and meet up with family and friends. 

What’s your favourite drink?
Canadian club and ginger ale, or Prosecco!

What’s the best thing about working at Lysaght?
I appreciate the work-life balance that my job offers.  It allows me to pursue my passions outside of work and maintain a healthy  lifestyle.

So there we have it, a little insight into Rita and what keeps her singing (is it her love of trade mark renewals, or just the Prosecco?!)


Qatar - Madrid Protocol


United Kingdom – Tightening the rules on rights of representation at the UKIPO