tim noel
trade mark attorney
Tim is a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney with over 17 years of experience supporting clients in all aspects of IP services. He oversees and manages the department on a day-to-day basis.
Tim holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bristol University and joined Lysaght in 2014 with eight years of experience in the IP industry.
Tim is responsible for prosecution work, in addition to registration and renewals in more complex jurisdictions. Tim also works on a number of contentious matters and opposition cases. As well as his client portfolio and managerial responsibilities, Tim is a member of CITMA and volunteers for the free advice clinics to members of the public as well as sitting on the INTA Trademark Office Practices Committee.
In 2016 Tim was awarded the Postgraduate Certificate in Intellectual Property (with Merit) from Bournemouth University and became a Chartered Trade Mark Attorney in 2018.
Read Tim’s Latest Articles
Two pieces of news have recently come to light regarding trade mark matters in Libya, which have significant implications for rights holders there. We summarise these developments relating to the cancellation of certain trade marks and an increase in the official fees for renewal payments.
We remind all applicants and owners of Cayman Islands patent, trade mark and design registrations, and all owners of trade marks in the Turks & Caicos Islands, that the next annual maintenance fees (AMFs) for such cases are due for payment on 1 January 2025. If these annual fees are not paid by 31 March 2025, penalty fees will accrue.
The Libyan Trade Mark Office has announced that it will resume accepting new trade mark applications, as of 2nd September 2024.
In addition, some new requirements for trade mark applications were introduced in Libya with effect from 1 May 2024.
We summarise here some recent amendments to the Trade Mark Regulations in Lebanon, which have brought about changes to the term of protection and some of the official fees associated with trade marks.
Find out more about the conferences we are attending this year.
We are pleased to announce the Trademarks Office in Sudan has resumed operations after a 10-month hiatus. Read here for more information.
At long last, the implementing regulations for the 2010 Trade Mark Act have been brought into force in Libya. These provide some much needed clarity to the practical considerations of trade mark applications, as well as bringing an increase in the official fees
From 1 January 2024, it will be necessary to record an address for service in the UK, the Channel Islands or Gibraltar against comparable rights when they are subject to challenge by third parties.
There have been further developments regarding the Trade Mark Office in Myanmar; please refer to the details in our article.
The Libyan Trade Mark Office (TMO) has officially resumed its full activities after a 6-month suspension.
The Burundi IP Law came in to force on 28 July 2009, and all trade marks registered before the enactment of the law were set to be renewed by 28 July 2019. The Burundi Industrial Property Office (BIPO) has now issued a notice setting a new deadline for the renewal of trade marks registered prior to 28 July 2009. A Notice dated 27 February 2023 has been issued by BIPO and this extends the deadline for the renewal to 01 January 2025 for all trade marks which were registered prior to 28 July 2009. Read our full article for further details.
At the recently held Spring Conference of CITMA (Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) held in London, Lysaght was represented by Tim Noel. Tim was delighted to see many of our clients at the event, and was able to hold several in-person meetings and conversations with some of them.
Mauritius has joined the Hague System for the International Registration of Industrial Designs, becoming the 95th member state. The Hague System will enter into force in Mauritius on 6th May 2023.
A new IP law, No. 21.355, entered into force on 9th May 2022, in which various articles of the current IP Law No. 19.039 dated 1991 and its subsequent iterations were amended. This blog details the most significant changes introduced for trademarks, patents and industrial designs.
The Nauru Trade Marks Act came into force in November 2020. However, due to an initial lack of official forms, or a procedure for payment of official fees, it has not been possible to file trade mark applications until now.
The UK’s membership of the PCT will be extended to include the Bailiwick of Guernsey from 23rd March 2021. Please read our article for further information.
The Gibraltar authorities have enacted a revision of the Trade Marks Act, which entered into force on 1 January 2021. Our full article contains further information.
On 1 October 2020, the UK Government ratified the Madrid Protocol on behalf of the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Please review our article for further information.
The Trade Marks Act 2015 entered into force in Trinidad & Tobago on 26th June 2020. Please review our article for further information.