Saudi Arabia – Accession to International Design Registration Treaty

The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently deposited its instrument of accession to the Geneva Act of Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs. This law will enter into force in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on 7 April 2025, and on that date Saudi Arabia becomes the 76th Contracting Party to the Geneva Act and the 82nd member of the Hague Union. The development means that interest parties in Saudi Arabia will be able to seek protection of their designs in any of the member states of the Hague System by filing a single international application. Additionally, non-residents of Saudi Arabia will be able to secure international design protection in Saudi Arabia by making use of the Hague System.

If you have any questions on the above, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Louise is a Director in the Patents & Designs department. She joined Lysaght in 2001 and has a wealth of experience, with over 27 years working in the IP industry.

Louise graduated from Oxford University in 1996 with a First Class Honours degree in Biochemistry.  She qualified as UK Patent Attorney in 2000 and as a European Patent Attorney in 2002.

Alongside Richard Stilwell, she oversees and manages the department to deliver a range of services to our clients. In particular, Louise provides advice on global patent filing strategies and overcoming prosecution issues. Louise is also the main contact for Supplementary Protection Certificates (“SPC”) services.

Libya – Revocation of certain Trade Marks; Amendment to Trade Mark Renewal Fees


Appointment of our IP expert to OAPI-centric committee