news archive

Fiji – Patents, Designs and Trade Marks Bills become Acts of Parliament
Fiji has passed into law the Trade Marks Act 2021, the Patents Act 2021, and the Designs Act 2021. Please review our article for further information.

Eurasia – Unitary design system expected to commence in June 2021
It is anticipated that the Eurasian Patent Office will start accepting design applications from 1 June 2021, following a recent announcement. Please read our article for further information.

PTMG Spring Conference 2021
One of our Chartered Trade Mark Attorneys, Richard Stilwell, attended PTMG’s Spring Conference last week on behalf of Lysaght. Aptly named “PTMG@home”, this conference was hosted online due to current restrictions on gatherings and international travel.

Somalia - Trade Mark Office now accepting, examining and publishing trade mark applications
At the beginning of 2020 we reported that the Somali Ministry of Commerce and Industry had once again started accepting trade mark applications for the first time since the civil war in 1991. We understand that these applications are now to be cleared via a pre-filing search, examined on absolute grounds and published for opposition purposes prior to grant. It is no longer recommended, or necessary, to publish cautionary notices. Please review our article, for further information.

UK’s membership of various international treaties extended to cover Gibraltar
With effect from 1st January 2021, the UK’s membership of various WIPO-administered treaties, including the Paris Convention, the Berne Convention and the PCT, was extended to include the territory of Gibraltar.

Guernsey – Extension of UK’s PCT membership to cover Bailiwick of Guernsey
The UK’s membership of the PCT will be extended to include the Bailiwick of Guernsey from 23rd March 2021. Please read our article for further information.

Gibraltar – Amendments to Trade Marks Act
The Gibraltar authorities have enacted a revision of the Trade Marks Act, which entered into force on 1 January 2021. Our full article contains further information.

Guernsey – Accession to The Madrid Protocol
On 1 October 2020, the UK Government ratified the Madrid Protocol on behalf of the Bailiwick of Guernsey. Please review our article for further information.

Mexico - New “Federal Law for Protection of Industrial Property”
A new “Federal Law for Protection of Industrial Property” came into force in Mexico on 5th November 2020. Please read our article for all the information you need.

Nauru - Patent Regulations finally promulgated
The Nauru Solicitor General has just advised that, nearly a decade after their Patents Registration Act came into force, the Nauru government has finally announced the publication of its "Patents Registration (Forms and Fees) Regulations 2020". Please review our article for further information.

Trinidad & Tobago – New Trade Mark Law
The Trade Marks Act 2015 entered into force in Trinidad & Tobago on 26th June 2020. Please review our article for further information.

Mauritius – New IP Law
A new law, The Industrial Property Act 2019, has been recently passed by the Mauritius Parliament. Please review our full article for all the information you need.

Hong Kong – New Patent System
It has been announced that Hong Kong will introduce a new system for standard patents, which will present an alternative option for applicants seeking patent protection in Hong Kong. Amendments to the Patents Ordinance and Patent Rules were published on 11th October 2019, and the new patent system will be implemented on 19th December 2019. Please review our article for additional information.

Samoa – Accession to international treaties
It has just been announced that Samoa has deposited its instruments of accession for the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), the Geneva Act of the Hague Agreement for the International Registration of Industrial Designs and the Geneva Act of the Lisbon Agreement for the international registration of appellations of origin and geographical indications. Please review our full article for further information.

Lysaght participates in the Hawksford Castle Chase
Always proud to support a good cause, Lysaght entered four of our team into this year's Hawksford Castle Chase, raising money to support Jersey Heritage.

UAE - Legalisation of Power of Attorney no longer required
The UAE Ministry of Economy has recently issued a circular email announcing that Powers of Attorney and other required documents no longer need to be legalised by the Consulate of the UAE for use in patent and design applications and that notarisation of these documents will suffice. This development will greatly ease the formalities burden on applicants.

Cayman Islands – New Design Rights Bill, 2019
A new Design Rights Bill 2019 was published in the Cayman Islands on 19th February 2019, which will replace the current Design Rights Registration Law 2016 once it comes into force. Please review our article for further information.

Antigua – New Patents Act and Regulations
We have just learnt that a new Patents Act and new Regulations have been passed in Antigua. The new Act (“The Patents Bill 2018”) was enacted on 8th November 2018 and came into force on 22nd November 2018. Please review our article for further information.

Bahrain - publication of Implementing Regulations
Following a recent decision by the Bahraini Patent Office to begin substantively examining patent applications, the long-awaited Implementing Regulations of Law No. 1 of 2004 concerning patents and utility models were published on 13th December 2018. It is hoped that these Regulations will provide a clearer prosecution procedure for patent applications in Bahrain. Please review our full article for further information.