news archive

CITMA Paralegal Exam Success
Lysaght is pleased to announce that team member Christine Krach has passed the 2023 CITMA Paralegal course.

Meet us in London at FICPI 2023
Richard Stilwell will be representing Lysaght at FICPI’s 21st Open Forum, being held in London this October. This conference is a great opportunity to take part in high-quality working sessions, as well as meet up with like-minded individuals in private practice, across all forms of IP.

Kenya – Anti-Counterfeiting Recordals, six months in
We are six months on from the deadline for lodging Anti-Counterfeiting Recordals (“ACAs”) with the Kenyan IPO. Our articles takes a deep dive into what progress has been made, and what challenges have arisen in this process.

South Sudan – reservation of trade marks now possible
The Ministry responsible for IP in South Sudan has just announced that it is now allowing the reservation of trade marks in advance of the long-awaited enactment of the new law. Read our full article for further details.

Myanmar – Announcement of Grand Opening Date of Intellectual Property Office
There have been further developments regarding the Trade Mark Office in Myanmar; please refer to the details in our article.

The Libyan Trade Mark Office (TMO) has officially resumed its full activities after a 6-month suspension.

The Burundi IP Law came in to force on 28 July 2009, and all trade marks registered before the enactment of the law were set to be renewed by 28 July 2019. The Burundi Industrial Property Office (BIPO) has now issued a notice setting a new deadline for the renewal of trade marks registered prior to 28 July 2009. A Notice dated 27 February 2023 has been issued by BIPO and this extends the deadline for the renewal to 01 January 2025 for all trade marks which were registered prior to 28 July 2009. Read our full article for further details.

INTA Annual Meeting – Singapore, May 2023
The 2023 INTA Annual Meeting is taking place in Singapore from 16-20 May, and Lysaght will be represented by Tim Noel and Richard Stilwell. They are very much looking forward to meeting up “in-person” with many of our clients and associates, and if you would like to arrange a meeting with either of them, please e-mail them on

CITMA Conference – London, March 2023
At the recently held Spring Conference of CITMA (Chartered Institute of Trade Mark Attorneys) held in London, Lysaght was represented by Tim Noel. Tim was delighted to see many of our clients at the event, and was able to hold several in-person meetings and conversations with some of them.

Bangladesh - Closure of "mail box" route and rejection of mail box patent applications
Bangladesh was granted leave to delay examining applications relating to pharmaceutical and agricultural chemical products until 2033. To date, such patent applications have therefore been filed as "black box" or "mailbox" applications and then held in abeyance pending the commencement of this examination.

Montenegro accedes to EPC
Montenegro will soon become the 39th member state of the European Patent Organisation, by virtue of its accession to the European Patent Convention (EPC). Its accession will take effect on 1st October 2022, and from that date, Montengro will be a full Member State of the EPC and not merely an Extension State.

ARIPO - Accession by Cape Verde
On 14th July 2022, the Republic of Cabo Verde (commonly known as Cape Verde) deposited instruments of accession to the Lusaka Agreement, Banjul and Harare Protocols of ARIPO. Consequently, Cape Verde has become the 22nd contracting state to the ARIPO Agreement.

Kenya - Deadline set for recording IP rights with the Kenyan Anti-Counterfeiting Authority
Following the recent commencement of a recordation process for IP rights with the Kenyan Anti-Counterfeiting Authority (ACA), a deadline of 01 July 2022 has now been set for rights holders to have completed this process. Please review our article for further information.

IRAQ - Accession to PCT
The Government of the Republic of Iraq deposited its instrument of accession to the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) on 31st January 2022.

Jamaica – Implementation of new Patents and Designs Act
The Government of Jamaica has announced that its new “Patents and Designs Act, 2020” is expected to come into force on 11 February 2022. Read our complete article for essential information about this new legislation.

ARIPO - Amendments made to Harare Protocol and Regulations
Various amendments have recently been made to the Harare Protocol on Patents and Designs and the Implementing Regulations, which came into force on 1 January 2022. Our article has all the information you need.

OAPI - New Law on Trade Marks, Designs, Utility Models and Geographical Indications
It has just been announced that the new OAPI IP Laws concerning Trade Marks, Designs, Utility Models, and Geographical Indications, will enter into force on 1 January 2022. Please review our article for further information.

Kiribati - Accession to Paris Convention
Kiribati deposited its instrument of accession to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property on 5 November 2021. Please review our article for further information.

Lysaght goes green
Following COP26, there is a revived momentum and moral obligation to do more to help our planet, both individually and collectively. Here at Lysaght, it is no different, and we want to do our part. Our Jersey office went paperless earlier this year, and we are currently auditing our energy usage in the workplace.

Seychelles accedes to ARIPO's Harare Protocol on Patents and Industrial Designs
The Republic of Seychelles has acceded to the Harare Protocol on Patents and Industrial Designs, becoming the 21st ARIPO Member State. Please read our article for further information.