news archive

Yemen – IP Registry in Sana’a cancels registrations held by U.S. and British owners
The Intellectual Property Office based in Sana’a, Yemen has announced that trade mark rights owned by US and British companies are now invalid, and that they will no longer accept new applications. Furthermore, ongoing civil unrest has led to a de facto two-state country. To obtain trade mark, design and patent protection across the whole country, it is necessary to file applications in both Sana’a and Adan Registries.

Uganda – New Trade Mark Regulations
Some new trade mark regulations came into force in Uganda on 2 February 2024 which, inter alia, have introduced the requirement that trade marks and notices be published in the Uganda Gazette, as was the case pre-2021.

EU trade marks no longer cover Jersey
The Government of Jersey has clarified its position on whether EU trade marks automatically extend to Jersey under current legislation, confirming that no such coverage has existed since April 2009. Trade mark owners wishing to obtain protection in Jersey should re-register UK national trade marks, or rely on the automatic coverage granted to IR(UK) designations.

New Trade Mark Regulations In Lebanon
We summarise here some recent amendments to the Trade Mark Regulations in Lebanon, which have brought about changes to the term of protection and some of the official fees associated with trade marks.

Change is on its way for trade marks in Bermuda
The Trade Marks Act 2023 and Trade Marks and Service Marks Regulations Amendment and Validation Act 2023 received formal approval in Bermuda on 13 October 2023.

Retirement of Martin Chinnery
Our Senior Trade Mark attorney, Martin Chinnery, will shortly be retiring. Whilst this is sad news for all of us here at Lysaght, it marks the start of an exciting new chapter for Martin.

CITMA Spring Conference and INTA 2024 attendance
Find out more about the conferences we are attending this year.

Resumption of Operations at the Sudanese Trademarks Office
We are pleased to announce the Trademarks Office in Sudan has resumed operations after a 10-month hiatus. Read here for more information.

Georgia – Validation of European patents
Georgia has recently joined Morocco, the Republic of Moldova, Tunisia, and Cambodia as a “validation state” of the European Patent Office. Validating a European patent in Georgia provides patentees with a potentially attractive prospect due to the country’s strategic geographical location at the crossroads of Europe and Asia.

Libya – Implementing Regulations for 2010 Trade Marks Act
At long last, the implementing regulations for the 2010 Trade Mark Act have been brought into force in Libya. These provide some much needed clarity to the practical considerations of trade mark applications, as well as bringing an increase in the official fees

Jersey – Consultation launched to review Trade Mark Law
Jersey is proposing a shift from a secondary trade mark framework dependent on the UK, by implementing an independent registration system and accession to the Madrid Protocol. A recent consultation invited stakeholders for comment on the proposed changes, to which we duly obliged. Read more in our article.

ARIPO & China launch Patent Prosecution Highway Pilot Program
On 15 January 2024, some new official fees will come into force in the UAE. Inter alia, the official fees for patent annuities (which were abolished some time ago) will be reinstated, and various new fees for the examination of patent applications will be introduced.

Appointments to INTA Committees for 2024-25
Attorneys Tim Noel and Richard Stilwell have been appointed to serve on INTA’s Trade Mark Office Practices Committee for the 2024-25 term.

United Kingdom - Address for Service for Comparable Rights
From 1 January 2024, it will be necessary to record an address for service in the UK, the Channel Islands or Gibraltar against comparable rights when they are subject to challenge by third parties.

Saudi Arabia - Amendments to Patent & Industrial Designs Law
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Council of Ministers has approved an amended Patent and Industrial Design Law, which entered into force on 03 October 2023. Our article addresses a number of the key points of this new law, for your convenience.

Joining the world stage for patents – Jamaica and the PCT
Following the approval of Jamaica’s Patents & Designs Act 2020, and becoming the 154th PCT member state, we take a look at the state of PCT national phase prosecution in Jamaica three years on.

Fiji – Paris Convention accession and practice update
Ahead of the commencement date of Fiji’s new IP laws, the IPO has recently enacted a change in practice regarding the filing of second applications, and acceded to the Paris Convention - our article has full details.

Myanmar – Design and Copyright Laws
The Industrial Design Law and Copyright Law, which were both enacted in 2019, finally came into force on 31 October 2023. This development follows the coming into effect of a new Trade Mark Law earlier this year and the Grand Opening of the Intellectual Property Office on 26 April 2023.

Lysaght promotes Lean Thinking
Lysaght is delighted to announce that David Booth and Richard Stilwell have both attained Green Belt Certification with the International Lean Six Sigma Institute.

INTA 2023 in Singapore: a trip to the Lion City
Tim Noel and Richard Stilwell represented Lysaght at INTA 2023 in Singapore. This gave the pair the opportunity to meet current and new clients and agents within the impressive surroundings of the city. It was a welcome return to face-to-face meetings as well as networking events throughout the busy week.