Qatar – Patent annuity payments

The Qatari authorities have recently updated their policy on the requirement to pay annuities in respect of patent applications.   Until now, it was possible to optionally defer the payment of patent annuities if the substantive examination of the application has taken more than 3 years to be completed.  The deferred annuities then became due upon the issuance of either an acceptance or grant decision.  However, the newly issued policy dictates that the 4th and subsequent annuities cannot be paid until the grant decision is issued, with no option to do so before that time.  Accumulated back annuities from the 4th annuity onwards are therefore now payable along with the grant fee, and then subsequent annuities are payable annually on each anniversary of the filing date.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Louise is a Director in the Patents & Designs department. She joined Lysaght in 2001 and has a wealth of experience, with over 27 years working in the IP industry.

Louise graduated from Oxford University in 1996 with a First Class Honours degree in Biochemistry.  She qualified as UK Patent Attorney in 2000 and as a European Patent Attorney in 2002.

Alongside Richard Stilwell, she oversees and manages the department to deliver a range of services to our clients. In particular, Louise provides advice on global patent filing strategies and overcoming prosecution issues. Louise is also the main contact for Supplementary Protection Certificates (“SPC”) services.

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