news archive

Appointment of our IP expert to OAPI-centric committee
We are proud to announce that Isabelle MBOME from our affiliated office of Ekémé Lysaght SARL has been appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Denis Ekani Intellectual Property Academy (APIDE). Isabelle’s appointment to the committee will enable her to contribute to the training of specialist human resources and the sharing of knowledge in the field of IP, and to gain a valuable insight into developments that occur in legal and practical aspects of IP at OAPI.

OAPI – New patent and utility model law coming into force shortly
We have just received information from the Head of the Patent Department at OAPI that Annexes I and II (which relate to patents and utility models, respectively) of the revised Bangui Accord will be brought into force on 1 January 2025. We expect OAPI to issue some further information and guidelines as to the implementation of the new law in the near future.

Lysaght celebrates promotion at Ekeme Lysaght SARL
It is with great pride that we announce the promotion of Isabelle Mbomè from Ekémé Lysaght SARL to the prestigious role of Avocate Stagiaire of the Cameroon Bar Association. Once Isabelle has completed her apprenticeship, she will have the unique rights of audience to represent our clients in Court. This fantastic and well-deserved accolade will further bolster the range of OAPI services which Lysaght can offer to our clients, particularly in the in-house management of contentious matters.

OAPI - New Law on Trade Marks, Designs, Utility Models and Geographical Indications
It has just been announced that the new OAPI IP Laws concerning Trade Marks, Designs, Utility Models, and Geographical Indications, will enter into force on 1 January 2022. Please review our article for further information.

Visit by OAPI officials to our Cameroon office
On Tuesday, 14th January 2020, the partners and staff of our office in Yaoundé, Ekeme Lysaght SARL, were pleased to receive a delegation from OAPI for a tour of the facilities and discussions with the whole team.