news archive


Bahamas - New IP laws in force
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Bahamas - New IP laws in force

On 25 February 2025, the Bahamas IPO (BIPO) informed practitioners in a verbal communication that new IP laws relating to copyright, patents, and trade marks became retroactively effective from 1 February 2025. However, the subsidiary legislation, including the implementing regulations and official fees, has not been finalised or approved and no timeframe has yet been provided for this.

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Bermuda: Further delays to the new Trade Mark Act
news article Tatiana Despres news article Tatiana Despres

Bermuda: Further delays to the new Trade Mark Act

We have received notification from the Intellectual Property Office that the enforcement date of the new Trade Marks Act in Bermuda has been delayed again, and a date of 01 April 2025 is now being considered. At this time, we cannot confirm whether the new law will be enforced on that date or whether there will be additional delays, but until the new law comes into force, the old legislation is still in effect. 

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Kiribati – New IP laws currently under review
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Kiribati – New IP laws currently under review

It has come to our attention that new patent and trade mark laws are currently under review in the Republic of Kiribati which, once promulgated, will overhaul the current UK-based re-registration systems that currently exist there and will introduce national filing systems.

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Appointment of our IP expert to OAPI-centric  committee
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Appointment of our IP expert to OAPI-centric committee

We are proud to announce that Isabelle MBOME from our affiliated office of Ekémé Lysaght SARL has been appointed as a member of the Scientific Committee of the Denis Ekani Intellectual Property Academy (APIDE). Isabelle’s appointment to the committee will enable her to contribute to the training of specialist human resources and the sharing of knowledge in the field of IP, and to gain a valuable insight into developments that occur in legal and practical aspects of IP at OAPI.

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COSTA RICA – Validation of European patents
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

COSTA RICA – Validation of European patents

The European Patent Office and the Costa Rican Minister of Justice of Peace have just announced that they have signed an agreement allowing European patents to be validated in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is the first country in Latin America to sign such an agreement. The news marks a significant step in strengthening intellectual property protection and fostering innovation and investment in Latin America.

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In The Spotlight: Zoë Molloy
news article Caroline Johnstone news article Caroline Johnstone

In The Spotlight: Zoë Molloy

Zoë is the newest member to the Lysaght team, bringing with her 7 years of IP experience and qualification as a CITMA paralegal. With Lysaght’s commitment to nurturing and developing the staff, Zoë will face new challenges in preparing to manage her own portfolio of countries.

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Yemen - IP Registry in Sana’a relaxes its policy towards foreign trade mark applicants
news article Richard Stilwell news article Richard Stilwell

Yemen - IP Registry in Sana’a relaxes its policy towards foreign trade mark applicants

On 11 November 2024, the Ministry of Economy and Industry and Investment Trade in Sana'a issued Ministerial Decision No. 56 of 2024 which relaxes some of the restrictions previously imposed on Swedish and American trade mark applicants and owners. This Decision now permits the renewal of trade mark registrations owned by entities in the US and Sweden. Whilst it is not clear whether the restrictions have also been removed for UK-based right holders, we believe that the removal of the ban also applies here.

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Eurasian design system to enter into force in Turkmenistan
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Eurasian design system to enter into force in Turkmenistan

Turkmenistan will become the final Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO) member state to join the Eurasian industrial design protection system, following the deposit of its instrument of accession to the Protocol on the Protection of Industrial Designs to the Eurasian Patent Convention. The Protocol will enter into force in Turkmenistan on 4 January 2025.

The Eurasian design system, which has been operational since 1 June 2021, allows applicants to obtain simultaneous protection in the EAPO member states of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Tajikistan and, with effect from 4 January 2025, Turkmenistan. Applicants can file a single Eurasian design application, covering up to 100 industrial designs in the same class under the International Classification for Industrial Designs, in order to secure protection across all member states.

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Myanmar – Patent and Utility Model applications can now be filed
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Myanmar – Patent and Utility Model applications can now be filed

As previously reported, Myanmar’s long-awaited Patent Law 2019 came into effect earlier this year. Finally, on 31 October 2024, Myanmar's Intellectual Property Department (IPD) officially begun to accept new patent and utility model applications. This important development finally enables patent applicants to benefit from a substantive patent protection system in Myanmar, with the implementation of the new law replacing the primitive and unsatisfactory “cautionary notice” system for the first time.

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Fee increases at USPTO
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Fee increases at USPTO

Numerous of the USPTO’s fees for patent matters are set to increase on 19 January 2025, including the fees for filing a patent application, Requests for Continued Examination, appeals and the issuance of patents. It is therefore worth considering filing any items with fee increases prior to 19 January 2025 so as to benefit from the current lower fees.

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Ethiopia – Accession to Paris Convention and Madrid Protocol
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

Ethiopia – Accession to Paris Convention and Madrid Protocol

On 1 October 2024, Ethiopia’s Council of Ministers approved the country’s accession to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and the Madrid Protocol for the International Registration of Marks.  Ethiopia’s accession to these IP treaties and to trade agreements such as the World Trade Organization (WTO)’s Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), along with the necessary modernisation of Ethiopia’s IP  laws, will serve to bring Ethiopia onto the global stage for IP and help to stimulate trade and investment in the country.

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OAPI – New patent and utility model law coming into force shortly
news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner news article Louise Audhlam-Gardiner

OAPI – New patent and utility model law coming into force shortly

We have just received information from the Head of the Patent Department at OAPI that Annexes I and II  (which relate to patents and utility models, respectively) of the revised Bangui Accord will be brought into force on 1 January 2025.  We expect OAPI to issue some further information and guidelines as to the implementation of the new law in the near future. 

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Lebanon - Operational difficulties at IPO
news article Richard Stilwell news article Richard Stilwell

Lebanon - Operational difficulties at IPO

The Lebanese Intellectual Property Office (IPO) is currently facing significant operational difficulties due to the ongoing economic and political instability in the country. The challenging environment has led to staff shortages, as many employees are unable to attend work. In addition, technical issues with the online portal have further complicated the IPO’s ability to process applications efficiently.

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